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Bowls for Elephants

In April 2013 our dear friend Linda Chambers went to Chiang Mai Thailand for a sound journey with the elephants.  The Patara Elephant Farm was her destination.  After visiting them on vacation last year and talking to them about sound therapy she was invited back to come work with the elephants.  We customized Linda's sets for the elephants comprising of Zen Singing Bowls and Crystal Vibes Bowls.  According to Linda and these photos it was a complete success. Who knew elephants would enjoy a sound therapy massage just as much as we do!

Linda recently wrote to us:

"They are so responsive. SO responsive.  I could not be happier. Seriously.
The Mahouts learned today to play Lepidolite, Amethyst. They have already been doing the Zen bowls a few would CRY if you were here. 
It is all so positive....
You will love it...."
"You can see the Mahoots learning to play the Zen Bowls. This is so awesome.
I have not done anything with all the photos yet, but just thought I would share some amazing shots of the bowl with you.
You can also see Pat the owner of Patara teaching them, translating what I was saying to learn to play the bowls.
So much more information and blogs and so on coming!
We have some outstanding videos. "

Please support Linda and her efforts by learning more.  If you have a moment drop her a comment on her blog or Facebook.  She would appreciate any encouraging words.  Please click below on the links:

Dari Rasa Blog         Dari Rasa Facebook 

Patara Elephant Farm         Patara Elephant Farm Facebook 









Etched Elephant Practitioner Bowls

VSA has decided to partner with the Thai elephant alliance association based on their commitment to Asian elephant conservation. Elephant health and well being has been a focus of our work with Patara elephant farm. The Thailand elephant alliance association is a broader effort to bring education to the Thai people while ensuring that the species is supported and protected as a part of Thailand's rich history. Thai Elephants have been on the endangered species list since 1976. At the current time there are between 3000-4000 elephants in Thailand, which doesn't seem to be very many considering the elephant population was over 100,000 at the beginning of 1900.

If you have ever looked an elephant in the eye you understand that the elephant is one of the most intelligent creatures with which we share our planet. Displaying a broad emotional range, elephants show us that they have a consciousness that blurs the distinction between human and animal. In Thailand the bond between humans and elephants goes back thousands of years and we are glad to partner with an organization who seeks to ensure a safe future for this culturally significant animal.

The bowls in this group were memorialized with the logo of the Thailand elephant alliance association. The profit from the bowls in this category have gone directly to the Thailand elephant alliance association with the VSA when Jeff lead his 2020 group, along with a matching bowl as a gift for the organization.