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432 Hz Tuning

What is A=432Hz? Click Here!

For bowls in the 432Hz tuning click here

What are the frequencies of the notes at A=432Hz tuning? Click Here

Note, our system is still tuned to A=440 Hz tuning. For bowls specifically tuned to the 432 Hz tuning the SKU will refer to the bowl as m35 or m30, marked as 432Hz Perfect Pitch. Bowls marked as m25 or m40 will show as 432Hz in the title.

What is 432Hz Tuning?

432Hz tuning is a musical tuning system where the A4 note (typically set at 440Hz in standard tuning) is adjusted to vibrate at 432Hz. This alternative tuning is often associated with a more natural, harmonious, and soothing sound compared to 440Hz.

In this tuning system, all other notes in the scale are adjusted proportionally to align with the 432Hz reference point. This results in slightly lower frequencies for all notes compared to standard tuning.

Why is 432Hz Tuning Used?

Many musicians, sound healers, and researchers believe that 432Hz has unique benefits and connections to nature, ancient traditions, and human well-being. Some of the main reasons for its use include:

  1. Enhanced Relaxation and Well-Being
    • Many listeners report that 432Hz music feels more soothing and meditative compared to 440Hz.
    • It is believed to reduce stress, anxiety, and promote inner peace.
  2. Mathematical and Natural Alignment
    • Some proponents argue that 432Hz is mathematically more in tune with natural frequencies found in the universe, such as the Earth's Schumann Resonance (~8Hz).
    • It is also said to resonate with the golden ratio (Phi), which is found in nature, art, and architecture.
  3. Ancient and Historical Associations
    • Some claim that ancient musical instruments and compositions, including those from ancient Egypt, Greece, and Tibetan traditions, were tuned closer to 432Hz rather than 440Hz.
    • Certain historical figures, such as Leonardo da Vinci and Giuseppe Verdi, have been linked to advocating for 432Hz tuning.
  4. Improved Sound Quality and Resonance
    • Some musicians and audio engineers believe that music tuned to 432Hz has a warmer, richer, and more resonant quality.
    • It is said to produce a more harmonious and immersive listening experience.

Comparison to 440Hz Tuning

  • 440Hz has been the global standard for concert pitch tuning since the 20th century.
  • Some claim that 440Hz creates a slightly more tense or aggressive sound compared to 432Hz.
  • The difference between 432Hz and 440Hz is subtle (about 31.8 cents or ~1.8% difference in pitch), but some listeners claim they can perceive a distinct tonal quality.

Use in Sound Healing and Meditation

432Hz tuning is widely used in sound therapy, singing bowls, gongs, and meditation music due to its perceived calming and healing properties. Many sound healers believe that this frequency promotes balance in the body, aligns with the heart chakra, and facilitates deep relaxation.

While there is no definitive scientific proof that 432Hz is inherently superior to 440Hz, many musicians, sound healers, and listeners prefer it for its perceived natural harmony, relaxation effects, and historical significance. Whether for music performance, therapy, or meditation, 432Hz tuning continues to be embraced as an alternative approach to sound and frequency healing.


Frequencies for equal-tempered scale, A4 = 432 Hz

Note Frequency(Hz)
C3 128.4
C#3 136
D3 144.2
D#3 152.7
E3 161.8
F3 171.4
F#3 181.6
G3 192.4
G#3 203.9
A3 216
A#3 228.8
B3 242.5
C4 256.8
C#4 272.1
D4 288.3
D#4 305.5
E4 323.6
F4 342.8
F#4 363.3
G4 384.9
G#4 407.7
A4 432
A#4 457.7
B4 484.9
C5 513.7
C#5 544.3